Master of Arts in Teaching

The Master of Arts in Teaching Program has a two-fold purpose. First, it is designed for promising individuals with non-education bachelor degrees who want to become classroom teachers in elementary grades 4-6, secondary grades 7-12, or special subjects. Second, it allows for individuals who are interested in teaching, but not seeking licensure to earn a graduate degree. This second purpose enables individuals nationally and internationally to secure a graduate degree in education. Additionally, the MAT programs of study are offered entirely online, providing flexibility and accessibility to students.

Candidates progress through the MAT Program as part of a cohort, a design that will enhance the delivery of University support and promote collaboration in planning, implementation, and evaluation.

The Mississippi Department of Education issues MAT Program licensure in the following areas: Art, Biology, Business, Chemistry, Elementary Education (grades 4-6), English, French, German, Home Economics, Marketing, Math, Music, Physical Education, Physics, Social Studies, Spanish, Speech Communications, and Technology Education. To apply for the program, candidates should complete the online graduate admissions application on the DSU website.

Praxis Requirements:
Elementary: Praxis Core (reading, writing, and math) and (5018), and Mississippi Foundations of Reading
Secondary: Praxis Core (reading, writing, and math) and Praxis II in the subject area chosen to teach
**An overall undergraduate grade point average of 3.0 or an ACT composite score of 21 or higher or an SAT score of 1060 or higher will substitute for the Praxis Core.

If candidates have not passed the Praxis exams upon admission to the MAT program, they may be admitted as a non-licensure student.  Completing the program through this route does not lead to teacher certification – only a master’s degree.  Students must have passing scores on the required Praxis exams in order to switch to the licensure route and to complete the internships.

A minimum overall GPA of 2.75 on the bachelor’s degree is required for admission to MAT.

A teaching position must be secured for completion of the Internships.

Tuition and fees and financial aid information may be obtained at


Notice: Comprehensive exams are scheduled for October 22, 2024. Applications for the comprehensive exam can be submitted here.

Admission. In addition to submitting an official application to the Delta State University Office of Graduate Studies and meeting general admission requirements for the Graduate School, applicants must submit a completed Master of Arts in Teaching Admission Portfolio that includes the following:

A. Official verification of completion of a baccalaureate degree from a regional, national, or international accredited institution;
B. Official documentation of having passed the Core Academic Skills for Educators Examination by making the scores required by the Mississippi Department of Education on the subtests of reading, writing and mathematics (Not applicable to the Non-Licensure track), or documentation of a score of at least 21 on the ACT, or a 3.0 cumulative GPA on the bachelor’s degree;
C. Documentation of having passed the Praxis II Specialty Area test by making the score required by the Mississippi Department of Education in the content area; For the elementary (4-6) license only, also documentation of passing score on The Mississippi Foundations of Reading test (Not applicable to the NonLicensure track);
D. A minimum overall undergraduate GPA of 2.75;
E. A computer-generated essay of 250 words: Why you want to teach and what you think you have to contribute to the field of education;
F. Admitted students are required to enroll in 9 hours of initial course work as specified by the program of study. (Prior approval is required). NOTE: A minimum GPA of 2.5 is required for the first 6 hours and a minimum of a 3.0 after the first 12 hours. A student who does not meet the minimum 3.0 GPA requirement will be removed from the program.

Applications will be accepted and reviewed in the spring of each year, with a new cohort beginning study each June/first summer session.

Core Academic Skills for Educators (CASE)*

Reading 5713 156
Writing 5723 162
Mathematics 5733 130

*Effective 9/1/2019

Program of Study

There are five programs of study to choose from, elementary track (33 hours), secondary track (30 hours), special subjects track (30 hours), non-licensure elementary track (33 hours), and non-licensure secondary track (30 hours). All provide specialized knowledge for teaching areas.

Praxis II Test

Praxis II scores will be used for admission into the program. The Praxis may also be taken/passed to teach a content area for which a degree was not earned.

List of Approved Praxis II Exams for MAT (Revised August 2023)

Subject — Praxis II Test Code

Art — 5134
Biology — 5236
Business — 5101
Chemistry — 5246
Elementary Education (4-6) — 5018
English — 5038
French — 5174
German — 5183
Home Economics — 5122

Marketing — 5561
Math — 5165
Music — 5113
Physical Education — 5091
Physics — 5266
Social Studies — 5081
Spanish — 5195
Special Education – 5355
Speech Communications — 5221

These resources provide further information on the Praxis exams:

How to Apply for Graduation

Use the online application process to apply for graduation at least one semester prior to the semester of graduation. Paper applications are no longer accepted. Complete the process by going to the Registrar’s Office webpage.

Graduate students must have completed at least 18 earned credit hours (not including the current semester) in order to apply for graduation.

When is the next Comprehensive Examination?

Comprehensive exams are scheduled for October 22, 2024. Applications can be submitted here.

Why is the GPA so important?

It is one indication of content knowledge.

How many hours does the MAT program require?

Secondary Track = 30 Hour
Elementary Track = 33 hours

Additional Questions? Contact:

Ann Graham, Ed.D.
MAT Program Coordinator

Degree Requirements. A candidate for the Master of Arts in Teaching degree in the College of Education and
Human Sciences is required to meet the following:
1. Fulfill the general requirements for a graduate degree at Delta State University;
2. Complete the courses outlined in the program of study;
3. Earn a grade point average of at least a 3.0 in the major field and overall;
4. Pass comprehensive exams, an examination of core content knowledge administered by a committee appointed by the division chair.
5. Must obtain a full-time teaching position during the fall and spring semesters (internship) in their area of endorsement from the three-year non-renewable license.

This program prepares students to apply for applicable licensure and/or certification examinations in the state of Mississippi. In order to comply with regulations set forth by the U.S. Department of Education regarding professional licensure, Delta State University is required to make the following disclosure with respect to professional licensure outside the state of Mississippi: Professional Licensure Disclosure page.


Ann Graham, Ed.D.
MAT Coordinator
P: 662-846-4385

Anjanette Powers, Ed.S.
Interim Chair, School of Teacher Education
P: 662-846-4405